beautiful flower


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  • Arrangement floral : Ikebana

    Arrangement floral : Ikebana

    The concept of Ikebana developed into one that expresses something Buddhistic or divine.

  • Céramique et laque japonaisesJapanese Ceramic and Lacquerware

    Céramique et laque japonaisesJapanese Ceramic and Lacquerware

    If you are interested in Japanese ceramic, you may travel to Saga prefecture. and lacquer is produced at norther part of Japan as Iwate prefecture.

  • Fêtes nationales au Japon

    Fêtes nationales au Japon

    The following are Japanese national holidays and some of the most important other annual nationwide events.The bank closes on a public holiday in Japan, but shop or the restaurant are opened.

  • Hatsumode : Jour de l’An

    Hatsumode : Jour de l’An

    Hatsumode is one of the most beautiful celebrations of the whole year, since it is about receiving the new year in a spiritual place and connecting with the divinity from day one.

  • Hakama : Vêtements traditionnels japonais

    Hakama : Vêtements traditionnels japonais

    A hakama is the skirt-like pants that is worn over a kimono. It is a traditional piece of samurai clothing. 

  • Comment prier dans un Jinja (sanctuaire shintoïste)

    Comment prier dans un Jinja (sanctuaire shintoïste)

    Shinto is the indigenous faith of Japan. It means worshiping ancestors as guardians of the family.

  • Hôtel Capsule

    Hôtel Capsule

    Hotel CapsulaCapsule hotels are accommodations that have discarded the idea of ​​a private single room.

  • Drapeau national du Japon

    Drapeau national du Japon

    The national flag of Japan is officially called « Nisshoki » whose meaning is « Flag of the Sun symbol »

  • Fleur nationale du Japon :chrysanthème

    Fleur nationale du Japon :chrysanthème

    In Japan, chrysanthemum is recognized as the national flower because it is the symbol of the Imperial Emblem of Japan

  • Oiseau national du Japon

    Oiseau national du Japon

    There are pheasant at country side and sometime we can hear the voice of pheasant, we also feel the running noise of pheasant in the morning and evening.

  • Janken


    Piedra, papel o tijera es un juego infantil conocido también como cachipún, jankenpón, dum-kin-voy, yan ken po, chis bun papas, hakembó, chin-chan-pu, o kokepon.

  • Manga


    Manga es la palabra japonesa para designar a las historietas en general.

  • Pachinko


    El pachinko es un sistema de juegos muy similar al de los pinballs.

  • Origami 折り紙

    Origami 折り紙

    Origami est un art japonais du pliage du papier. Quelle est son histoire et qu’est-ce que cela représente dans la vie quotidienne des japonais?

  • Industrie japonaise

    Gran parte de la potencia económica de Japón esta basada en su industria

  • Geisha : Les artistes du Japon

    Geisha : Les artistes du Japon

    Geisha are traditional entertainers of Japanese arts and music specializing in Japanese dance, singing, and a variety of instruments including hand drum, shoulder drum, shamisen or Japanese flute

  • Omamori


    En los santuarios o templos en Japón se venden unos pequeños objetos sagrados llamados « Omamori

  • Maison japonaise

    Maison japonaise

    En los pueblos se pueden ver casa de un solo piso igual que espana

  • Sources d’eau chaude au Japon -Onsen-

    Sources d’eau chaude au Japon -Onsen-

    Thanks of volcanos, wee enjoy the hot spring all the area of Japan. especially in winter time, hot spring with snow is super !

  • Ukiyo-e : Gravures sur bois

    Ukiyo-e : Gravures sur bois

    There are many Ukiyoe museum in Japan, Pls visit one of then to enjoy wood block print museum. 3 Ukiyoe museums in Tokyo, convenience one is near Harajuku area, Ota Kinen museum.