
Accueil » Culture » Sports
  • Ski au Japon

    Ski au Japon

    There are over 500 ski resorts across Japan from the northern island of Hokkaido to the southern main island of Kyushu

  • Futbol japonés

    Futbol japonés

    ¿Como es el futbol japonés? En 1993 se inauguro la liga Japonésa -Liga J-, y a partir de ese año, Todo los futbolistas pasaron a ser profesionales, que, con anterioridad, formaban parte de equipos amateurs pertenecientes a distintas empresas. ¿Cuantos son los equipos que pertenecen a la Liga J? En 1993 habiadiez equipos, el ano…

  • Aikido : Artes marciales

    Aikido : Artes marciales

    Aikido was created by Morihei Ueshiba (Ueshiba Morihei, 14 December 1883 – 26 April 1969), referred to by some aikido practitioners as great master.

  • Kendo


    Kendo is familiar for Japanese students, because there is class of Kendo at school and many competitions.

  • Judo


    Judo is one of the most popular martial arts among Japanese people, because we got many gold medals at Olimpia game.

  • Baseball japonais

    Baseball japonais

    Baseball is very popular among the students and generally the kids starts to learn baseball from 8 or 9 years old ( 3rd grade of school ) .

  • Karaté : Arts martiaux

    Karaté : Arts martiaux

    There are many Karate school surrounding area of Tokyo, Kanagawa and Chiba prefecture. many  kids work out with SENSEI.

  • Sumo : Arts martiaux

    Sumo : Arts martiaux

    There are almost 45 sumo stables in Tokyo and sumo wrestlers lives there and work out every morning. Now a day, the number of sumo wrestlers are 750.