Chateau de Himeji


Accueil » Culture » Histoire
  • Les Châteaux du Japon

    Les Châteaux du Japon

    Un château japonais n’est pas un lieu de résidence à l’inverse de beaucoup de châteaux en Europe mais plutôt une fortification pour défendre des points stratégiques ou importants.

  • Musée Fukagawa Edo

    Musée Fukagawa Edo

    It is a history museum where you can be transported back in time to the Edo era. They reproduce the townscape of Fukagawa-Saga Town between 1830 and 1844.

  • Histoire d’Edo : l’ère Tokugawa

    Histoire d’Edo : l’ère Tokugawa

    The prime duty of a Samurai was to give faithful service to his lord or Daimyo. In fact, the origin of the term is linked to word meaning and this overlap can be seen in the Kanji used to write the word

  • Restauration Meiji

    Restauration Meiji

    The Meiji restoration was not peaceful handover of power.

  • La grande ville de Tokyo et les sanctuaires shintoïstes

    La grande ville de Tokyo et les sanctuaires shintoïstes

    Tokyo is known for its huge population, the increase in technology and many modern buildings.

  • Histoire d’Osaka

    Histoire d’Osaka

    Osaka has been a place where people from near and far regions meet. It sits in the Inland Sea of ​​Seto, a busy water area, and faces Osaka Bay in a place where rivers flowing from the interior converge.

  • Histoire de Kyoto

    Histoire de Kyoto

    The history of Kyoto begins in the 8th century when the city was erected in the capital of Japan and the home of the imperial court from 794 to 1868.